Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Kids and Fairies

First the kids, I don't have any kids of my own, so I will bore you with stories of cute things other peoples children have said and done this week

William age 2 to the candy machine: I love this thing! (and then he proceeded to hug it.)

Emily age 3 is standing on the side of the pool with her bathing suit top bunched up around her armpits. Mom says "pull your bathing suit down honey!". (see where this is going?) Whoosh, off go the bottoms.

Alexa age 8, during swimming lessons: So how old are you?
Me: 25
Alexa: My teacher is 25.
Me: ah.
Alexa: So you don't have kids then.
Me: Some 25 year olds have kids.
Alexa: Well I think it's too young!

Um, here's another sneak peak at Perizada Designs lovely webpage layout: