Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

We're taking it easy this New Year's Eve. We've got Civilizations 4 installed on both computers and have been playing together all day. Also I'm working on a raccoon plushie (Mooommy, sewing machine hates me! Again!), and of course some art. Thought I'd be like Kait (we do share a brain after all) and give you a recap of my year.

-The biggest thing of course, is that we moved back to BC in august, Craig is in school and we are much much poorer. But also happier. It hasn't been an easy fall, with car issues and job issues, but we're settling in here.

-I've taken up sewing

-We got a second computer (seriously newsworthy in my world!)

-All my friends got pregnant (I just found out about another one today, it just doesn't end!), and I got baby-envy.

-I started making actual freelance money online (as opposed to only mural and window work the year before).

...otherwise my life has been mostly the same. I spend part of my time at work and the rest drawing and reading. It's a good life.

Looking to next year...well I'm not really much of one for resolutions, but I have a couple goals.

-Get my portfolio to the point where I feel comfortable looking for children's illustration work (I'm happy with the quality, I need more quantity).

-I've decided that I'm ready to get my house in order (I'm not the world's best housekeeper...shocking I know). So I'm taking the plunge and joining Flylady...starting tomorrow. It's an online goup/coaching thing that helps you keep on top of things, cleaning-wise

-And on the fun side, I hope the new art forum I'm co-founding will be a success.

Finally, here's some WIP's...they were started in 2007, but won't be finished till 2008!