So it was a tired day. But I did still manage to work without anyone dying, so that always makes for a good day. Then I went home and tried to nap with sicky Craig. But could not. But I did do my flylady cleaning. And I made Whitewater Granola Bars from the cookbook I got for Christmas. Whitewater, for those of you not in the know, is the local ski hill, and they have some truley amazing food. I mean, I'm too poor to eat there, but judging by my memory and the cook book, just excellent.
Best Granola Bars Ever
And I did Yoga which was great and I slept great. I might actually start doing a bit of Yoga every night as it is supposed to help with sleeping and I can use it lately. My Yoga Dance Fusion class was cancelled so I will be taking Jazz Dance on Mondays instead. Hey, I work out like...8-10 hours a week these days. I should be skinny soon, right?
Today I rediscovered my laundry/freezer/recycling closet. And I do vow to do my recycling once a week so that it doesn't get like that again. It was scary. And very hard to reach the washer. Also hard to open the freezer.
Oh hey, I forgot to post this earlier. I was in a handmade ornament exchange this Christmas and I finally got my last one last week. Here they are all looking pretty on my fridge (I can't bear to put them away yet).