Thanks to Barb who got me the Panda I now have aaall the Olympic cups. I will drink out of them all the time. Especially the yellow antelope one, as it is my favourite. Craig likes the green bird one of course. Tragically I missed the closing ceremonies as we were in Nelson for Gramma's birthday. All in all, a pretty good Olympics though I think. I'm behind on Project Runway because of it though, gotta catch up!

I usually get pretty cranky when I know what my presents will be, or when they're early (I reaaaally like surprises), but I make a major exception in this case. My parents got me a sewing machine of my very own! My mom says it's because she loves me and believes in my talent. I think it also has something to do with the fact that she wants her machine back so that she doesn't have to bring her mending over to visit me. My sewing machine is named Alice. Yes I put stickers on things like a 12 year old.

Already Alice and I are having good times hanging out as I finally finished my storage bags. All three but it's too late to take a picture that isn't one big flash. Not that the previous pics in the post have been exceptional. I am pretty happy with them although one is annoying me as the liner isn't quite aligned at bottom and thus it doesn't stand up as pretty. We'll see if it looks better filled or if it annoys me enough to take a seam ripper to it. I doubt it.
-I buy peaches tomorrow to can later this week.
-I sorted out and packed all my fabric this evening, it's delightfully organized.
-I drew two more bird toys today (a robin and a cardinal) and ordered test swatches from Spoonflower.
-I have 8 books coming from Amazon. And they are supposed to arrive Sat. We leave that morning. I think I won't see them for two weeks :( I should explain, they are shipped to the States as it's 15 min away and oh so much cheaper.
-I am sleepy. Maybe tonight I will sleep...that would be nice...