Craig and I built shelves for little S a couple weeks ago. We're not at all handy, so we're feeling pretty pleased with ourselves! We used Ana White's $10 Ledges plan and painted them to match the trim. It's so nice being able to see all our favourite books, instead of having endless conversations in which she asks for "the book with the boy!" and we pull every book with a boy from a teetering stack on the shelf and she says "No! The book with the boy!". Good times.
Of course, she's my child so those four shelves don't contain all her books. The books that are a bit above her level and the ones we don't want to read every. single. night. Live in the closet. There's also a shelf for board books in the living room. If I'm going to spoil her with anything, it will be books! I would love a couple more ledges, but I'm not convinced that they would hold up to little A climbing them.
I had to replace the closet door with a curtain to allow room for the shelves. It was a super easy curtain as I just used the full width of the fabric (1/2 off at Fabricland!) and hemmed the top and bottom. I added ribbon loops to the top and used a little tension rod to hold it up. We also store board games, her laundry and baby blankets (on the empty shelf in the photo) in there.
Now off to build shelves in the rest of the house!