Monday, December 29, 2008

Blog Tour: Lost Genre Guild - Day 1

Well I'm safely home. Hope you all had a great Christmas. I'll post more later but for now it's CSFF Blog Tour time.

Lost Genre Guild is a site dedicated to promoting Christian Science Fiction and Fantasy books.

In their words:

Lost Genre Guild was founded by Frank Creed in 2006.
The original members, all part of a writers’ critique group led by
Daniel I. Weaver, joined forces to fill a void on
Christian bookstore shelves and together they compiled
an anthology of Biblical speculative fiction.
The Lost Genre Guild's mission is to raise the awareness and respect for Biblical
speculative fiction, and to encourage, educate and support the writers of such fiction.

Our Vision . . .
Welcome to the literary home for artists, editors, agents, promoters, and fans of Christian sci-fi, fantasy, and supernatural thrillers. Spec-fic is the best selling secular genre, but few Christian authors have been connecting with fans. Demographics show that many Christian genre fans are online. The Lost Genre Guild's been laying infrastructure for Viral Marketing, or, word-of-mouth buzz to promote our lost genre.

They also have a blog here:

Come back tomorrow for my review of the website design. You know you want to.

In the meantime, check out the buzz:
Brandon Barr Justin Boyer Keanan Brand Kathy Brasby Grace Bridges Valerie Comer Courtney Frank Creed Amy Cruson CSFF Blog Tour Stacey Dale D. G. D. Davidson Janey DeMeo Jeff Draper April Erwin Karina Fabian Andrea Graham Todd Michael Greene Katie Hart Timothy Hicks Joleen Howell Jason Isbell Cris Jesse Jason Joyner Kait Carol Keen Lost Genre Guild Mike Lynch Magma Margaret Rachel Marks Rebecca LuElla Miller Nissa John W. Otte Steve Rice Crista Richey Mirtika Hanna Sandvig James Somers Robert Treskillard Steve Trower Speculative Faith Jason Waguespac Phyllis Wheeler Timothy Wise