So we love story time around here. Craig and I are big readers so it's been fun finding books to read to Little S. It's all board books these days as she mostly tries to eat them while we are reading. Why read to a 7 month old who tries to eat the books? We have actually been reading to her at night since she was about 3 months old (shortly after colic bedtime from hell ended). We got the book Reading Magic by Mem Fox as a baby gift along with a couple board books from Craig's Aunt and Uncle. Great gift. Mem recommends reading three books a night to your kids pretty much from birth. And she has good reasons, read her book.
Also, hanging out with a baby all day can get a bit boring (sorry to break it to you. She's not much of a conversationalist) so you might as well have some activities. And you might as well pick books you like to read. Here are four of my favourite board books from our collection.

Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard So amusing. Especially as it lends well to funny voices. S likes the bright colours. Thinks they are tasty.

But Not the Hippopotamus by Sandra Boyton. Also very funny. I need more of her books. The rhymes are fun to read.

Mama do you love me by a couple of Barbaras
My parents picked this one up on their Alaska trip. It is very sweet and has great artwork.

Time for Bed by Mem Fox and Jane Dyer
Best bedtime book. Okay well we only have two but I like this one better than Goodnight Moon (am I allowed to say that?). It's pretty and sweet and has a good rhythm.
So that's what goes on around here at 6:30 in the evening (Bedtime is 7. Wasn't my idea, it's just what she does). Do any of my Mama readers have board books to recommend? I need some more. Three a night with only 10 books (and I honestly avoid three of them) is a bit repetitive.