The other reason it's tricky is because of course, baby is getting some things handed down from S, and I have turned into a super second hand bargain hunter for a lot of the other big items. It is amazing the things I have gotten in brand-new condition for less than half the price! It's a fun game for me.
But here are a few things I'm sure the baby would like (and as with baby #1 we love handmade, organic items and would prefer no plastic or batteries):
1) Muslin swaddling blankets.
I had a bunch of flannel blankets with S and only one muslin one. They are seriously wonderful for swaddling, especially come warm weather.

2) Baby safe plushie (such as, but not limited to, this cute one by blabla).
By which I mean: embroidered face (not hard eyes), little and soft, preferably organic. S got lots of plushies, but most were better for playing than to have in the crib. She has a super cute hippo that my cousins got me that she's been sleeping with for ages. She calls him Poppo. I tried to find a photo online but apparently Poppo doesn't exist.

3) This diaper bag.
Because while I loved my epiphanie bag (love!) it's a bit fat on the bottom for the stroller.

4) Wooden teether/grasping toy
(look how cute this one is!)

5) Cute onesies (like this one!).
Because it's impossible to have too many.

6) And on a less adorable but more practical note: I'd like to try these new inserts from Applecheeks.
I'm very happy with my hemp inserts I bought for S, but they were too bulky for her as a newborn. These are supposed to be very trim and they have a stay-dry side, which is great for a sensitive little bum. Also cheaper at $8 for two! Commercial over, but I want a few :)