Monday, August 20, 2007

Goodbye little house

Only two more sleeps until we go. Well, I should be having one of those sleeps at the moment, but I'm a little wired still...the packing...never ends.

Wonderfully, my mommy is down helping me. She went to the Women of Faith conference in Calgary last weekend, as did I (because I have sooo much time on my hands). The conference was pretty good. Not changing but the speakers were all great and it was fun to spend one last weekend with the girls before I leave. Mom caught a ride back which is excellent as she is the Master Packer and Mover. We did a whole lot of moving when I was growing up, so she's had a lot of practice.

So it's all a bit strange, it's been hard saying goodbye to people... I thought leaving work would be easy but then the kids starting hugging me and then the moms started hugging me...luckily about 80 idiot little boys from the hockey camps came for my last hour which helped me be happy to get out of there. And then saying goodbye to friends is always tough, we're moving far enough away that we won't see any of them often if at all...I used to be good at leaving people but I've been here a long time and I've gotten out of the habit. :( This post is making me sad so I'm going to stop. One more day of packing and then away we go.

Onwards to new adventures and fun times!